Thursday, November 25, 2010

Remembering Warren Goldstein, friend (chessplaying buddy for over 13 years) who died Thankgiving Day 2008

It is Thanksgiving Day 2010..
[I have called Judy Goldstein, Warren's widow and a friend, to tell her I am about this and will appreciate her review.
Also, I will ask Ann Ellis (my best friend) and Dan Spencer (aka "Danish Gambit'), long-standing chessplayer/Facebook friend to add comment to clarify the message about Warren.]
Two and 1/4 years ago our regime of playing chess for 2 1/2 hours on each of  two days per week ended.

Warren was a most affable, well-rounded person who managed all his doings well and had other interests: family; golf; pool
Warren was a chess player who:
(We played many 20-minute games. He was slightly stronger player -- I lost many hard-fought endgames)
Was always cheerful.
Often sang and whistled without being annoying: his manners were unique and different ...... very quaint, perhaps, to on-lookers.
Often defended against my attempts to induce the Scotch Gambit by playing Phildor's Defense.
Didn't engage in long post mortems.
Enjoyed the games properly.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Robert James Walter Business Card; Preview of coming posts

This blog needs updating,
The business card created in June is now out of date.
I am writing "founder for on  the back of the card.
I am an official Volunteer for AE911truth. (Probably shall post more about this/)
I will very much appreciate your thorough attention to the above links.

[12/12/10 UPDATE]:: I upgraded the card 3 weeks ago.

The new card lists my activitiies: