Monday, December 9, 2013
Added is data on Project Oxcart
I have a 10:30 appointment with Becca; a week is lost since I was stood up last Monday.
I wonder at the coming encounter: we've had neither phone nor email communication; my complaint about Becca's availability and less said assertion that persons in charge are frightened, : "not ignorant; inattentive" ....and am offering that one should consider actions rather than words.
The thought on my mind is that "behavior being a function of consequences" it was the CIA's doing, the secret but later lauded, Project Oxcart
"Cherry Picking ..." you'll learn,"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving: Activity as to Blog, plan and assistance; comunication with possible commentators
It's Thanksgiving morning.
Claire and Ken, Ann and I are going to IHOP
Selena did well when speaking to gratefulness;
and here's an Allen Roland article.
Wrote Selena and Betsy email reminding them of request they review this.
Later, serendipity had it that I met Dr. Stephen Ryan for the first time and was, giving him a card, able to steer him to the Blog.
On Monday, in my appointment with Dr. Molomo, we had a conversation where he's come to know my concern that he and Dr. Leibovici be available for advice as to content and release of this Blog (Again, as it is now, all is editable). These two Doctors may not be available until middle of next week.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
In Memory of Jim Barlow
And have chosen to insert a photo from Facebook again.
I've known this and that Ann was/is conversant with it for some time. We understand that is my personalty to disregard the "feelings" of the ignorant., or,in this case, inattentive.
Here and now I want Dr. Molomo (and Dr. Leibovici) to know I am unhappy:
On Thursday I received a notice of appointment for "3 months review and weight" with Dr. Molomo at 11:00 AM Monday.
None of the three has called or emailed me regarding the blog.
Yesterday, of course, was also the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. And I've viewed many articles. Here is Allen Roland's.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
A Pearl of Great "Cost"?
It is amazing how well the process has turned out.
My first thought (an option) would be to post to Facebook. And I shall do that.
Later. It's more proper to recognize JFK on the 5oth anniversary.
However, as the documentation now stands, all is editable Except for Omar Khayyam and others. (I do take pleasure to "pretty print" i.e. make as much use of HTML as capable for benefit by disambiguation.
The NPR article I've just found, by Gene Demby for a team as you will imagine hits me with some emotion and "false pride".
What is come to mind now is:
The ILS' name change to "Elder ONE" which may be disclosed to me in process related to review of "wonders"
References that have been meaningful though often in the background:
W.H. Auden's "For the Time Being"; often read at Epiphany;Polya's "How to Solve It"
The Dartmouth Bible
Google software (which I don't totally understand).
And I am very cautious to believe here in a magical God, not chance; although I wonder at the fate of the tares.
As to the present task, lead off by the scheduled meeting with Becca at 10:30AM, I am one who waits (a pun) on his friends;
Long ago Dave McMillan made these insights: it is a pearl of great "cost" [ When reading A. Huxley "Doors of Perception" and now I think the idea is that shiny things are , most particularly for a 'savage', hypnotic]; "what you can do by yourself isn't quite worth doing".
Thus it is the case that I may accept and use the advice of those sharing with me, Elder One and Ann and Claire; "contacts".......some right now is still mystery .... a God-given language change would be as in Lehrer song, "New Math", "so simple, so very simple that only a child can do it".
I have gone astray. Demby reviews book that does interest me. But searching the essay tile, I am at a loss
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Connection to Paul Rauschenbush?
Paul is a Facebook friend, but did not respond to my criticism of his review of Jimmy Carter's book.
Most recently I've discovered his part in Huffington Post coverage of March on Washington
But recall using this speech "My Faith May Be Doomed To Failure" posting to on Easter Sunday
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
1 ... Discovered "mention" feature enabled with Google+;
2.... (Some time ago I panned Paul Rauschenbush's review of Jimmy Carter book, and got no response.] Now I think I'll be able to help one another and our friends.In short, he may become a connected-friend.
3. ...Re completion: Friday should be adequate; and so far I've not (or rather LEFT TO THE READER?) given the focus to knowledge of the CIA and, under the category of RELIGION, a full sharing of EXPERIENCESS as thought necessary by my contributors;
5. . .. Since connected to my psychotic episodes, always has been a concern that the actual letters, following mystic evolution ...this is where see myself a bellwether and do know understanding, God-in-Language, that something is happening.... In this instance?
As ever, with reference to the God of the Old Testament's "Rule Over All History" and the importance of names, without 'flipping-out' I do wonder at the significance of the name-change, announced Monday, that "ILS is become "Elder One".
I think I'm Solving it
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Relationships; most appear when viewing Facebok activity and pages liked
Facebook page is Robert James Walter; there's also "Bucky's Readers" which is getting no use.
My daughter, Claire, and friend Ann are my advocates to ILS and others ILS, Independent Living For Seniors, affiliated to Rochester General Hospital's providing assisted living at the same apartment (Seneca Towers) rooms as I've occupied for a long time. It is a limited number of persons who've experienced my actions when berserk In the last instance: Dr. Brewer at Strong Memorial's Behavioral changed my medication but provided no witness as to any sense for my delusion. (The medication appears to work*) Before my release I had received visitations from Hank Stone and Morgan Smith, as well as Claire and Ann. *What is the history? I was last on Abilify (samples) for some time with monitoring by Dr. Ram Wes Rapaport. I am finding, by recall and search, much to edit-down. I regard the interviews with Dr. Leibovic1 (Adrian) and Becca Spaulding do stand especial chance of being successful when the further text of this ....... is somehow adequately completed.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Where Do We Go From Here?
In the meantime since that, I have pushed for attention:
Monday: Saw Dr. Malamo in hall. Asked that he read Bucky's Blog; said he would.
No help from Pamela. Out for the day --- Had, Thursday by phone, requested her help
establishing liaison for me; again, those people afford one no phone nor email.
Now: The Blog has received no comment; I 've received no message.
I am using email to RGH persons; Selena and Betsy, most frequent and direct; and to a group with links of 9/11 facts. I do/will make reference to this documenting.
Using my Acer 500 GB HD PC and Samsung Galaxy 4.0 MP3 Reader, I've continual contact to information: from email, subscribed and sharing with friends; and this source,"the Web" with search engine, which consists of "discoveries" on Facebook and elsewhere.
Most particularly on Facebook my news feed watches: "Being Liberal; "Implosion of Logic" and others as you may see at page "Robert James Walter".
Again, the project to create showing(s) of the facts, evidence as to how derelict is reporting except that by independent journalists. It is intended that reviews of their work will be here.
Also, I have a long-standing quarrel with Christianity. IMO it, as not effective in recognizing a historical Jesus; instead I call it "pap": call for awareness of Albert Schweitzer and Walter Raushenbush.
Recently, thinking on a necessary view of the impressions that turned me against the GOP, I'd have you review the biography of John Foster and Allen Dulles. What did they do important?
In 2003 and about #500 in the queque I joined Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. The profile of my data and opinion was edited by Alan Miller and appears in IMO and hope, there may come , yet, proper public understanding. And as said in"Draft Only", I am jubilant when I see real pressure toward more transparent government and finance.
Please view
I hope you'll come to know, as I did 8 years ago, the on-going rottenness.
You may to see videos and such, observe additonal Facebook pages "Re Think 911", "Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth".
BTW: I am very interesting in teaching. And would appreciate questions.
A substitute for the first money-concerned URL is "How To Be A Crook"
One last note as to my attitude toward many friends, including Ann, who see my concerns as obsessive craziness: "Those who deny the truth live a lie.."
Monday, October 28, 2013
DRAFT ONLY -- Please read contents
It happened that better materials are now available; and I was quite jubilant when I wrote Jennifer that her "duck"was not satisfactory. Instantly, however, I learned she was out until Monday, this next morning.
On last Monday I had a brisk conversation with Dr. Malamo and longer session with Becca Spauling.
What's going on here is that,following my annual physical, wanting more conversation I pointed at him and said "I know". However since then we've not been able, Malamo and I, to discuss what the KNOWING means for me. Nonetheless there have been psychiatric interviews, two with Dr. Adrain L wherein at one point we ran down the POTUS of our times life times and two with Becca, the first followed my written declaration that I knew and didn't like the doings of the CIA.
I am prepared to make description, in CONTENTS, of the problems as understood with friends.
I am prepared to offer, in INTRODUCTION, some more of my biography with particulars as to why I am now more than ever quarreling.
Re: Contents
On that last jubilant weekend I received notification of a 20 minute video, which we've hailed as effective, 'The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind - Secrets of Money" .
And an excellent email from John O. Sutter; an alert to Ray Griffin review of film, "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor"
I've in mind the document take the form of Summary; Introduction;, Contents; Epilog
News affecting this Section:
About CIA and Amazon (Washington Post)
About Federal Reserve